These links connect you to information about the state of the pedestrian infrastructure in Santa Cruz.
Things you can do
Here are some links that may help you to make walking easier in Santa Cruz.
Report a pedestrian hazard. This link takes you to the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission bicycle and pedestrian hazard report form. You can report any bicycle or pedestrian hazard you see in the County or any of our Cities. The Commission staff will direct your report to the appropriate local officials. Wheelchair hazards ARE pedestrian issues. It is important to report all hazards. Local officials often are not aware of a problem until it is reported.
Other pedestrian organizations
The following links will take you to web sites for pedestrian organizations in California, the U.S., and around the World. You can see what other groups are doing to make walking easier.
America Walks – America Walks is a national resource which fosters walkable communities by engaging, educating, and connecting walking advocates.
California WALKS – Our statewide walking organization. California WALKS is a statewide organization of affiliated nonprofit and volunteer groups dedicated to creating healthy, safe, and walkable communities.
Every Body Walk! – Every Body Walk! is an online educational campaign aimed at getting Americans up and moving.
Government Contacts
Here are contacts for local various government agencies. Contact them if you have pedestrian suggestions, concerns, questions, or information.
Local Government:
Santa Cruz Traffic Engineering Department
Matt Starkey, Transportation Manager809 Center Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone 831-420-5182
email: Santa Cruz City Council
809 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Info and agendas
Santa Cruz City Transportation and Public Works CommissionMeets third Monday of the month, every other month at 7 pm in City Council Chambers Info and current agenda
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission1523 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone 831/460-3200
Fax 831/460-3215
Web Site: https://www.sccrtc.orge-mail:
State Government:
CalTrans District Office
California Department of Transportation, District 5
50 Higuera Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-5415
831-423-0396 (Santa Cruz area)
831-372-0862 (Monterey Peninsula area)
831-753-0187 (Salina area)
District 5 website